I was up early, had my wake up coffee while still dark, got dressed and had my breakfast before fronting up at the Truck Service desk as soon as it opened at 7.30. Lots of paperwork and keyboarding and the nice lady said one of the boys will be over.
The mechanic came and said he'd organise the parts. He came back with the parts man who took pics of the heater fitting and they went off for while and then returned with a quote and the news that the parts were in Melbourne but there was an overnight service so they would arrive in the morning.
Another day to fill. The dealership has a courtesy bus service so I got a lift into town to a shopping centre, had coffee and caramel cheesecake and did some shopping in Coles. By this time it was raining and cold so I had a look at a few shops in the street before ringing for the bus to take me back. The sun did appear for a bit in the afternoon so a bit of charge came from the roof solar panels but they don't charge as much as they should - something else to look at!
Today's weather forecast is not very cheerful with minus 3 Wednesday night - I hope I'm out of here before then!
Friends already up north do nothing to help by boasting about their temperatures!
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