Saturday, 20 August 2016

Dat 97

This was a very mixed day. Chris Rogers and I went for a drive to the Millaa Millaa Falls but her GPS took us a long, winding and hilly way and it rained hard most of the way. It was nice seeing the falls again although I was there a couple of weeks ago.
This panorama shows the falls well

The falls are beautiful

Would you believe they were bathing? It was very cold!

I've done some stupid things in my time but today must take first prize! We stopped at a place advertising among other things that they had the largest number of platipuses on the planet. For $8 you got a talk, a tour and a coffee, It was quite a hike and the grass was wet, muddy and slippery. I think some of the group saw what we were looking for but it started raining quite hard and I decided to go back as I was getting very wet. Chris stayed longer but on the way back on a slope she finished up sitting on her bottom in the mud! It would have made a good picture if I'd been with her.

The coffee was good and we had some lunch. On the way home we stopped at a cheese and chocolate establishment and enjoyed the cheese tasting.
There were more chips in a carton but I didn't eat them all

A food van has been at the park today and many of us took the chance after happy hour to have dinner cooked for us. I had a hamburger without the bun but with bacon and with some chips - it was delicious

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